
10 Days of Vipassana: An Eye-Opening Journey

Recently, I took a 10-day silent meditation retreat called Vipassana. It wasn't like any other retreat; it was a deep dive into my mind and body, completely changing my perspective on life. Imagine a peaceful place where you can't speak, read, or use your phone for 10 whole days. Sounds impossible, right? That's exactly what Vipassana was like. It was tough at first 😨 , facing all those thoughts and emotions without distractions. But as the days passed, the silence became my friend, allowing me to explore my inner world like never before. The core of Vipassana is observing how sensations come and go throughout your body. It's like watching clouds drift across the sky - they appear, change, and disappear. By focusing on these sensations without judgment, you learn to detach from them and see their temporary nature. It wasn't always easy. There were times when I felt frustrated and bored. But with each breath and each meditation session, I noticed something incredi